Your passport through the open metaverse.

Simple, fast and safe onboarding to metaverse apps, games and experiences.

All-in-one smart wallet.
FuturePass safeguards your identity and data, stores collectibles, tokens, and memberships, manages permissions and builds status and rewards.
We’ve made the technology invisible.
FuturePass makes it easy to update your account, swap wallets and devices with access, permission payments, and if need be, recover your account.
You have full control.
When you create a FuturePass, a smart contract, owned and controlled by you, is deployed to The Root Network. You are the only one with the ability to access, update and interact with your FuturePass.
For Developers
Developers can leverage our FuturePass SDK to integrate FuturePass into apps, games or experiences, enabling users to onboard simply, safely and password-free.